What is spiritual direction?
In spiritual direction, the director helps the directee to listen for the voice of God. The voice of God is an invitation and challenge to a new way of hearing, seeing, understanding, and living. The director does not have special access to God, but guides the directee into an open posture (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually) toward receptivity to God’s voice. By “open receptivity” we mean surrender to God’s loving will and demanding care.
Spiritual direction is a wonderful tool when wrestling with questions of discernment and is especially helpful in times of life transition. A spiritual director aims to help directees to reflect and take action, to become comfortable with solitude and silence, to embrace stillness and simplicity, and to connect in healthy ways with God, other people, and their own inner world.
Spiritual direction sessions include practicing prayer, considering thoughtful questions, encountering paradox, befriending silence, engaging with Scripture, and often result in assignments to engage in spiritual practices as the directee goes about their daily life. Some of the most commonly assigned practices are the Daily Examen, Centering Prayer, Breath Prayer, Listening Prayer, Imaginative Engagement with Scripture, journaling about assigned questions, and wrestling with the written insights of Christians who have gone before us.
To learn more about Spiritual Direction, please reach out below.